

cloud erp

The benefits of ERP in the cloud

June 25, 2015 | Oracle
Enterprise resource planning applications in the cloud offer faster time to value, increased innovation, and scalability with the business… read more...
Case for honest estimates

The case for honest estimates

June 16, 2015 | Gary Nelson
Setting out on any project requires getting some idea of the costs and timelines involved – but project management expert Gary Nelson points out that there can be problems with estimates which can scupper projects before they even start…[View as PDF] read more...
Future technology

Digital disruption: a millennial’s perspective

June 16, 2015 | Ben Kepes
Technology evangelist, commentator and investor Ben Kepes takes a fresh look at digital disruption through the eyes of his 15-year-old son Yonni Kepes…[View as PDF] read more...
Retro Salesman

Don’t sell technology, satisfy needs

June 15, 2015 | Owen McCall
Selling IT solutions might at first blush appear a terribly complex undertaking, but achieving success doesn’t necessarily depend on the technical specifications. Instead, Owen McCall, independent IT consultant, shows that sometimes all that’s required is a firm grasp of what the business really needs…[View as PDF] read more...
Fuji Xerox

Fuji Xerox appoints Whittaker as Australia MD

June 9, 2015 | Fujifilm
Gavin Pollard will oversee the New Zealand business replacing current managing director Neil Whittaker who moves across the Tasman to run the Australian operation… read more...
microsoft dynamics

Six things to do during and after a Microsoft Dynamics NAV upgrade

May 8, 2015 | Newsdesk
Ryan Budge, Technical Delivery Manager – Microsoft Dynamics NAV, looks at what you can do during and after your next upgrade to ensure a successful project… read more...
Electrical revolution

Things we can still learn from the electrical revolution

April 7, 2015 | Gerry McGovern
Gerry McGovern invites you to reimagine your business in the digital age by taking a walk down memory lane… read more...
Project failure

Why agile hype could lead to project failure

March 31, 2015 | Darren Christophersen
Darren Christophersen, general manager of applications & consulting at Empired explains why you should be wary of the hype… read more...

Time to call in the pros

March 30, 2015 | Paul Matthews
The Institute of IT Professionals NZ (IITP) CEO Paul Matthews explains what the Chartered IT Professional accreditation is and why we need it… read more...
Building a successful model

Codifying change and success

March 27, 2015 | Owen McCall
Owen McCall explains how a personal situation led to building a model for successful change… read more...
PMP: Finding the right balance

How much methodology is needed for a successful project?

March 25, 2015 | Gary Nelson
These days it seems like you can’t swing a cat without bumping into two or three technology projects, but not all of them will be successful. Project management methodologies are one way to improve success rates… read more...
UXC Eclipse scoping

Scoping IT out: 5 essential steps to success

March 24, 2015 | Microsoft
Embarking on a technology-led change in your business can be both hairy and audacious… read more...
Greentree_shaky software foundations

Built to last – the ultimate business software challenge

March 24, 2015 | Peter Dickinson
If the consequences of a failed software project were the same as for a bridge or building, there would be some significant piles of rubble, numerous casualties and a whole lot more court cases… read more...

How to make money as an ISP

March 17, 2015 | Brendan Ritchie
Sector expert Brendan Ritchie looks at the reality of shrinking margins for ISPs and telcos today… read more...
Five steps

Five steps to identify the right software development pathway

March 11, 2015 | Lizann Gohring
Chief Operating Officer, North America at DXC Technology, Lizann Gohring, takes you through the five key steps to determine the level of development for your business… read more...

Seven UI/UX principles to help create a fresh experience

January 28, 2015 | Jeff Dance
Subject matter expert Jeff Dance gives his top tips on designing a website that will get your users doing what you want… read more...
Fast fibre road

Follow the fast fibre road

January 28, 2015 | Paul Budde
The internet of things may feel like it only uses wireless technology but in reality it relies on big pipes and banks of servers. Paul Budde explores what we need to do in order to arrive at the smart cities of the future… read more...

Why IT must start with the digital human

January 28, 2015 | Peter Sondergaard
Peter Sondergaard, senior vice president and global head of research at Gartner, told more than 8500 CIOs and IT leaders that they must now design, resource and deploy for a world that’s digital-first… read more...
Future predictions

Democratisation, subscription and processification key trends for 2015

January 21, 2015 | Bradley Stroop
Systems integrator UXC Eclipse’s CEO Bradley Stroop offers his take on what will drive the adoption of technology this year… read more...
New HR

The new HR: accountable, measurable, analytical

January 21, 2015 | Aaron Green
The soft fluffy HR department is making way for an empirical results-based strategy to manage human capital says Aaron Green… read more...
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