
Disruptive acquisition
Directors and boards are used to navigating post-acquisition IT roadmaps, signing off on piles of cash to standardise information systems and deliver the sought-after cost efficiencies… read more...

Getting your business on the map
In this ‘social, local, mobile’ world we live in, being able to pinpoint where we are, what is in our immediate vicinity and how to get there, is vital… read more...

Freelancers take flight
The way we work is changing. The market for recruiting creative and project resources has gone global… read more...

Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf? – restructuring and redundancy
When changing markets or new technology result in the ‘R words’, the processes and systems need to be in place to avoid staff challenging the outcomes and further extending the pain…. read more...

How to justify your technology choice
As technology plays an ever-stronger role in modern business models, predicting and measuring productivity gains from technology investment is becoming paramount to getting project sign off… read more...

Man, machine and the productivity story
Technology has increased productivity and emancipated humankind from day-to day tasks, enabling automation over drudgery, hasn’t it? The march of the machine continues into the digital age… read more...

Fletcher Building lays foundations for success
Fletcher Building is a NZ$6.5 billion company operating with 19,000 staff in more than 40 countries, manufacturing and distributing building and construction products… read more...

ANZ/National: merging is no horseplay
Two million customers, 8500 employees, over 400 IT systems, two very different brands and a thousand ways that it could have gone very wrong. Amanda Schaake speaks with ANZ New Zealand CEO David Hisco on integrating the ANZ and National banks… read more...

Appealing Apps: 10 of the best for business
With more than 1000 apps being submitted to the Apple App Store each day, not to mention those created for Android, the apposphere is a fast-changing environment… read more...

Accounting for time
In a service-based economy where time really is money many businesses are literally leaking dollars and cents like a sieve. David McNickel investigates the new wave of service automation systems that can help manage service workers more profitably… read more...

Cybercrime scene investigation
Stuart Corner takes a look at how security intelligence software is helping those involved in corporate security and justice to narrow the field of suspects, and keep the cybercriminals at bay… read more...

Does marketing automation deliver on promises?
As the lines between marketing, sales and service blur ‘smarketing’ is the way forward. Anthony Doesburg investigates this blend of sales and marketing and asks if the tools are delivering on their promise, or are they just more marketing puffery?… read more...

Big data buzz gets ‘BS’ tag
Is big data “bullshit”? Anthony Doesburg sifts through the big data brouhaha and considers the reality behind the buzz… read more...

Is forex breaking your bank?
Bank fees are part of life, but when it comes to international transaction payments we could be paying over the odds. Beverley Head reports… read more...

The iStart guide to buying tech
Half of all IT projects fail to deliver on expectations. If you don’t want this to be you then you had better get your metaphorical ducks in a row… read more...

Back the right ERP solution to win
Purchasing and implementing an ERP system is a complex undertaking and continues to be regarded as a high-risk project by most companies. Subject expert UXC Eclipse offers its top recommendations for successfully choosing and implementing a new ERP solution… read more...

E-health technology shows vital signs
From referrals systems to electronic health records and devices that allow patients to monitor their symptoms, health sector technology is evolving… read more...

Does social media suck for B2B?
In the last few years every business has jumped on the social media bandwagon. It has fragmented marketing budgets and sucked up time and money, but to what end?… read more...

Six reasons to use LinkedIn for B2B
Earlier this year LinkedIn broke through the 200 million member barrier and is continuing to grow by two new members per second… read more...

Fibre wars: the future of super fast internet
Some millions of column inches and billions of public funds have been dedicated to the broadband initiatives on both sides of the Tasman, but serious questions remain unresolved… read more...