
Uber IPO: What you need to know
And just how did it rack up those billion dollar losses?… read more...

ERP, big data big opportunities as Aussie cloud IaaS soars
IaaS spend mirrors increased confidence…

How AI is helping businesses hire smarter
Does AI have a role to play helping recruiters’ hardest job?… read more...

Rocket Lab launches satellite build service
Frees small satellite operators from building hardware…

Innovation winter as projects fail to meet reality
How are Australia and NZ faring?…

The delicate state of trust in A/NZ banking sector
Royal Commission into bank misconduct has impacted consumer trust… read more...

Rocket Lab fires up for new space-based internet
Launch of DARPA tech raises questions about military payloads and the internet of the future… read more...

APAC businesses leading way with IoT
Returns proven but still lacking full scale and sophistication… read more...

Security spend is up, but so too are breaches
We’re spending more on security than ever, so why do breaches keep rising?… read more...

Aussie social media law needs G20 teeth
Powerful global forum need only focus on changing one word… read more...

Crisis of confidence impacting Aussie IT pros
84 percent lacking confidence in ability to manage IT environments in next 3-5 years… read more...

NSW tackles traffic congestion – from land and air
Intelligent traffic lights + drones to ease congestion…

Advertisers ctrl+alt+dlt social spending in Christchurch wake
In the aftermath of the NZ terrorist attack, Cantabrians, countrymen and corporates alike are taking a stand… read more...

Taking digital transformation beyond business
Call goes out for companies to look at DX beyond their own business… read more...

IBM’s World Wire blockchain: folly or foil?
IBM has released BWW, either world-beating payment network or outrageous folly (depending on who you ask)… read more...

Are these the most lucrative jobs in IT?
Wait, I have to do what?!?…

Drone noise drowns out PR buzz
Delivery trial raises Canberra’s ire, but will Google listen?… read more...

The tech that could have blocked Christchurch video
Where there is a will, there is always a way… read more...

Tech a poor cousin in M&A due diligence
M&A failure rates linked to IT system integration…

People Also Ask…
But A/NZ companies are not providing answers for Google’s answer engine… read more...