
Personal tech poised to further disrupt enterprise
Gartner has identified five personal technologies it believes will deliver a fresh wave of disruption to the enterprise and IT operations over the next 5-10 years… read more...

Bottoms up to emerging raft of technologies
Imagine swiping your left buttock across a terminal to complete a payment; banking giant ANZ has – and it’s just the start of a massive change in the way humans and technology interact… read more...

Veteran ERP company changes its spots
As purchasing power shifts away from the IT department, one business software vendor is launching an unlikely new service to get in front of the people who count… read more...

Netflix tops the pops in digital experience
Leading brands have lifted their game as far as consumer digital experience is concerned – but still only three companies fall into the top performing bracket… read more...

NBN plays election ping pong
Just weeks before Australia heads to the ballot box, the Labor party has announced that if elected 2 million more homes and businesses will get high speed broadband, with more to follow… read more...

Accelerating omnichannel in the public sector
SAP HQ has appointed local partner UXC Oxygen to build an app to enhance SAP’s public sector solution… read more...

Digital transformation projects backfire
The insurance industry is counting the cost of digital transformation projects and others could also be at risk… read more...

ASIC wants fintechs to play nice in the sandbox
The Australian Securities and Investment Commission has outlined its plans to allow local fintechs to test a new product without the need for a financial services licence… read more...

Enterprises play catch up with IoT
Enterprises are still playing catch up to the possibilities of the Internet of Things… read more...

Cloud demands belt and braces
Confirmation that cloud users need a belt and braces approach to business continuity was delivered over the weekend with a high profile AWS outage… read more...

Pegasystems CEO warns enterprise of cloud risk
Pegasystems’ founder and CEO Alan Trefler has some harsh words for enterprises which slavishly adopt cloud based solutions… read more...

Free WiFi sees Skyfii aim sky high
Australian listed business Skyfii, which deploys opt in WiFi in public areas, collects customer data and sells it to local businesses, is making a push into the US and UK… read more...

Senior ERP exec leads cloud-first strategy for Epicor in A/NZ
Epicor Software Corporation has appointed ex-NetSuite man, Vince Randall, to oversee the A/NZ region and strengthen its cloud-first strategy… read more...

CSIRO and CBA offer businesses innovation advice
Australia’s lead science and technology research group CSIRO has launched a business advisory service to tell organisations where to best spend their R&D dough for the best return in the future… read more...

SMEs count days until SuperStream kicks in
Almost a third of Australia’s SMEs have left themselves less than a month to comply with the SuperStream electronic transaction rules which come into force from July… read more...

Gun fires on massive SAP systems integration deal
Leading SAP systems integrators have until 23 June to register for what will likely be the biggest ERP transformation project undertaken in Australia for years to come… read more...

Salesforce leads, SAP slumps in CRM stakes
Salesforce is the world’s most popular CRM with SAP ranking second – but in Australia SAP ranks a relatively lowly fourth after sales slumped in 2015. What gives?… read more...

Mind the gap on SaaS security
The popularity of Software as a Service and cloud solutions may be blinkering some organisations which believe they have also offloaded security worries… read more...

Digital transformation behind CSC and HPE mega-merger
Fresh on the heels of its recent takeover of Australasian services company UXC, CSC is looking to merge with Hewlett Packard Enterprise… read more...

Instaclustr calls Canberra home for Apache Cassandra play
While the founders of Instacluster live on opposite sides of the Pacific, the “born-global” big data specialist still calls Canberra home … read more...