
Everything you know is wrong – surviving the death of IT
The last six months have seen rapid changes in the world of IT, giving Ian Apperley pause to consider the future… read more...

Collapse of trust and digital transformation
Globally we are facing a collapse of trust – and it is being driven by digitisation, writes Gerry McGovern… read more...

Why customer experience matters in project delivery
Should ‘experience management’ trump ‘on time and on budget’, asks Colin Ellis… read more...

Automation: A new frontier of human-machine partnership
Think of the future of automation. What do you visualise, asks Anant Gupta… read more...

Application networks can address digital disruption challenges
Companies need to find ways to become more flexible to meet changing market and customer demands, writes MuleSoft’s Brad Drysdale… read more...

Why blockchain could change the world
It may sound like something out of a B&D dungeon as blockchain emerges from the dark world behind Bitcoin, writes John Jones… read more...

What are the drivers behind ERP change for a business?
If you’re reading this article, chances are your business is coping with business system ‘pain’… read more...

Of love, hate and the Gartner Hype Cycle
They’re great and they’re awful – find out why Owen McCall is ambivalent about Gartner’s Hype Cycle… read more...

NBN making progress but dark clouds ahead
Seven years after the launch of the NBN over two million premises are able to connect to the NBN. But all is not well, writes Paul Budde… read more...

Analytics: See the signals before the competition
The ‘laboratory’ approach works as well today as it did in Thomas Edison’s times, writes Oracle’s Rich Clayton… read more...

Census the canary in the coalmine
The 2016 Census and its steaming #CensusFail epitaph may yet prove useful to government… read more...

Digital transformation? It’s all about the customer
Don’t let digital transformation distract from customer focus, writes Craig Beveridge, GM Australia at Jade Software… read more...

Society, change and challenge: Charting telecoms transformation
In a new report, respected industry analyst Paul Budde provides fascinating insights relevant to both sides of the Tasman… read more...

Are ANZ companies doing enough to transform?
Analysing the results of its Digital Transformation Survey, IFS ANZ MD Rob Stummer was surprised that only 50 percent of antipodean respondents had a clear strategy for digital transformation… read more...

Failure is good. Yeah right!
Owen McCall says we should switch from ‘initiatives’ to ‘experiments’… read more...

Is it time to appoint an application undertaker?
After 40 years of continuous acquisition of applications most large organisations have application portfolios that are bloated, expensive and slow to change. This is unsustainable writes Gartner Fellow Andy Kyte… read more...

Is the Internet Safe? Of course not!
The internet is not 100 percent safe, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be using it to support the growth of your business. Owen McCall says we should approach it more like driving… read more...

Can your project survive your culture?
Not every project is lucky enough to start on fertile ground, as project management expert Gary Nelson explains… read more...

The case for an enterprise-wide ‘analytics council’
As analytics penetrate all parts of the business, analytics expert Geoff Beynon calls for a structured and centralised approach to its use… read more...

How the cloud and emerging technologies are disrupting the contact centre
The power of exponential progress and increasing rate of disruption is very much in evidence in the contact centre, says Brendan Maree… read more...