

cold calling

Exploit your hidden assets for sales success

May 5, 2016 | Manish Goel
Leveraging your corporate networks can boost your warm sales leads by 40 percent, says TrustSphere CEO, Manish Goel… read more...

The future calls for 2degrees

April 19, 2016 | Paul Budde
Amid speculation that Australian telco Vocus will soon acquire New Zealand’s 2degrees, telecoms analyst Paul Budde considers why 2degrees remains unprofitable and what its options are from here… read more...

The problem with projects: not fit to deliver value

April 19, 2016 | Owen McCall
What do IT projects and fitness regimes have in common? Owen McCall exercises his theory of the business value creation process… read more...
Telecom operators

A decade behind – but telecom operators can make up ground

March 30, 2016 | Bora Kizil, Julien Muller
Telcos are being forced to reinvent themselves and the founders of a French start-up, Bora Kizil and Julien Muller, say e-tail could hold the key… read more...
Customer mapping

The rise of the customer journey map

March 30, 2016 | Olive Huang
Gartner analyst Olive Huang explores how businesses can use customer journey mapping to better understand the customer and enrich their experience… read more...
Silo approach to IT

How to evolve beyond the silo

March 22, 2016 | Bob Dunn
In a world where Agile and flexible buzzwords abound, the old-school siloed approach to IT is causing inefficiency and higher costs for business… read more...
cloud terminology

Three Ws and an H: All you need to know about hybrid cloud

February 26, 2016 | Matt Zwolenski
Just how well do you understand cloud terminology – and in particular, the definitions around the most popular option for most businesses, hybrid cloud – asks Matt Zwolenski… read more...
Cities working smart

Smart cities worth $95 billion to Australian economy

February 23, 2016 | Paul Budde
Paul Budde expects cities to unlock a significant tranche of wealth by becoming ‘smart’ and using a city-as-a-service model… read more...
Digital competence

Driving digital competence

February 23, 2016 | Owen McCall
My daughter Sarah has just passed her learner’s driving licence… read more...
device incompatibility

Beating device incompatibility in the workplace

February 17, 2016 | Safi Obeidullah
Can you confidently say you know what and how many mobile devices are connected to your network at any given time, asks Safi Obeidullah… read more...
multi-channel contact centres

The six challenges of multi-channel contact centres (and how to beat them)

February 12, 2016 | Carl Price
Contact centre operators have been shifting to multi-channel communication methods for more than a decade, writes Carl Price – but the shift has proven challenging… read more...
Financial services

How APIs are supporting a revolution in the financial services sector

February 9, 2016 | Jonathan Stern
Throughout the world, financial services companies are facing a period of rapid and fundamental change, writes Jonathan Stern, and APIs are emerging as a competitive necessity… read more...
business process management

The re-emergence of process as a competitive differentiator

February 9, 2016 | Ivan Seselj
It’s not only what is done, but also how, writes Ivan Seselj, advancing the argument that process can deliver the edge… read more...
Apple revenue

What’s eating Apple?

January 29, 2016 | Howard Yu
To industry pundits and casual observers, it came as a shock this week when Apple projected that growth for its iPhone sales would hit the slowest pace since 2007, the year of the iconic phone’s release, writes Howard Yu… read more...
Oracle finance

Readying finance for a rapidly-changing world

January 28, 2016 | Steve Bray
Given the financial and geopolitical volatility over the past year, Steve Bray contends that the adoption of cloud enterprise performance management (EPM) tools within the finance department is not surprising… read more...
Big data

Ten tips for driving value from big data

January 26, 2016 | Vicky Falconer
Just think what $48 billion could buy. In the private sector, that could buy a lot of R&D and innovation; the lifeblood of a successful and growing economy, ponders Vicky Falconer… read more...
small data

What about the small data?

January 19, 2016 | David Oakley
It’s easy to argue that big data is only getting bigger – yet, while collecting and analysing big data will remain a priority 2016, David Oakley believes organisations should also be looking more closely at small data… read more...
Mulesoft trends

MuleSoft’s five key trends for 2016

December 16, 2015 | Ross Mason
What is 2016 likely to bring? The answer, as is quite usual for the technology industry, is highly likely to be an intensification of concepts already in the market, writes Ross Mason… read more...

How application dependency maps can enhance user experience

December 16, 2015 | Pritika Ramani
In the age of users who demand flexible and responsive apps, dependency maps can enhance user experiences, writes Pritika Ramani… read more...
Iot_big data_security trends

IoT, big data and security: Top trends for 2016

December 14, 2015 | Lasse Andresen
The technology industry moves at a relentless pace, writes Lasse Andresen, making it both exhilarating and unforgiving… read more...
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