

Heather Wright

Tech KPIs_IDC report

Structured co-innovation, digital KPIs the new DX focus

January 31, 2020 | Heather Wright
Local businesses up their partnering for success…
Top tech skills business are hiring

The most in demand IT skills

January 30, 2020 | Heather Wright
Spoiler alert: It’s not AI or blockchain…
Funding startup investments

Golden start to year as local companies win big in investment

January 28, 2020 | Heather Wright
New year, new funding: US$40m here, NZ$14m there, $7m over there… read more...
Tech Trends 2020

The world according to Alibaba, Gartner, Accenture et al

January 22, 2020 | Heather Wright
From data intelligence to hyper-connected manufacturing to the next generation of computation… read more...
Google removes cookies

Google’s cookie-killing plans

January 21, 2020 | Heather Wright
As the cookie crumbles, what’s the replacement?…
Gartner forcasts business spend

Software spend key focus for local businesses

January 20, 2020 | Heather Wright
What Gartner’s latest spending forecast says about the changing face of business IT… read more...

Fintech glory for Australia, but a long way to go for NZ

December 19, 2019 | Heather Wright
Lessons to be had from Lithuania’s success…
Gartner_Drones multiple use in 2020

Bushfires and volcanoes giving drones wings

December 18, 2019 | Heather Wright
Emergency services, surveillance and monitoring key use cases behind growing demand… read more...
Philip Lowe_Reserve Bank Australia

Reserve Bank calls out fragmented digital ID market

December 16, 2019 | Heather Wright
As Mastercard enters fray with two local digital ID pilots… read more...
Gartner_Moving to cloud

Cloud financials may not be cheaper than on-prem

December 11, 2019 | Heather Wright
And satisfaction isn’t a certainty either…
Coles_Woolworths loyalty cards

Loyalty scheme data grab raises ACCC ire

December 10, 2019 | Heather Wright
Industry on notice over data practices and payment card linking… read more...
Gartner_Marketing personal targeting

Gartner: Personalised marketing on the out

December 5, 2019 | Heather Wright
Consumers rejecting brands overtures…
Cyber security data sharing

Cyber stocktakes, a cybersecurity minister and another data breach

December 4, 2019 | Heather Wright
Australia calls for greater govt involvement in cybersecurity, NZ govt cops another big data breach… read more...
Dubber_voice data recorded

Voice data going unheard in business

December 4, 2019 | Heather Wright
We’ve got the recordings, now what can we do with them?… read more...

Rise of the cobot

November 28, 2019 | Heather Wright
Enter the manufacturer’s new friend…
Huawei ban_Licenses issued to businesses

The curious case of the Huawei ‘ban’

November 27, 2019 | Heather Wright
Microsoft and 70+ companies granted licenses to trade…
Ultrafast broadband rollout

NZ completes first stage of fibre rollout

November 27, 2019 | Heather Wright
A tale of two countries and their broadband efforts… read more...
AI Strategic scalers_IFS report

Businesses clamouring for AI

November 26, 2019 | Heather Wright
No scepticism despite AI hype and executive angst…
Unisys Cloud Fronde Serverless

Cloud’s next iteration: Serverless

November 22, 2019 | Heather Wright
Moving to higher order services to reap the cloud gains… read more...
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