Heather Wright

Instillery Origin merger to drive cloud automation
Scale will open Tier 1 and Australian managed services prospects… read more...

IDC: Make AI simple and explainable, please
Local survey shows we want AI and cognitive tools, but we want them our way… read more...

Milking IoT for supply chain efficiencies
Growing diary productivity and competitiveness with better milk supply forecasting… read more...

Accenture buys Analytics8
Bolsters its applied intelligence unit with third Aussie buy… read more...

SBAS opens opportunities with enhanced GPS
Agriculture a big winner with 10 centimetre accuracy…

The rise of CX
We want it, but making it CX reality is harder than it looks… read more...

Elevating the role of finance
Taking planning from static to active and having those strategic conversations… read more...

Driving an insight-driven organisation
Spreadsheets are dead, right? Think again…

The CDO goes lean and project focused
From accessing data to living and breathing data…

The future of work: Dynamic, adaptive and home to personal data twins
It’s the future Jim, but not as we know it… read more...

Sounding out voice commerce
Hey Alexa, can I really trust you with my shopping?… read more...

Dynamics Inner Circle run continues for Empired and Intergen
Company continues winning run in top one percent of Microsoft Dynamics partners… read more...

Reporting season for cloud players
The winners and winners as cloud booms…

The myth of anonymised data – and data privacy
Research shows anonymised data isn’t really anonymous…

Getting literate with data to drive business value
How can you instil data literacy in your business?… read more...

Coles stocks up for DX with Accenture deal
Professional services company to bind together Smarter Selling DX… read more...

The threats keeping IT execs up at night
Are IoT and cloud apps making your business a cyberattack target?… read more...

SAP talks up cloud, XM as US-China trade war bites
Cloud under close watch, while experience rules…

The forecast for database management is cloudy
But mind that DBMS Stockholm Syndrome…

Agility key in Vuca world
It’s a case of agile or irrelevant as the c-suite reboots for resilience… read more...