Beverley Head

SMEs turn to robots for competitive edge
A survey has revealed rising enthusiasm for robots in manufacturing… read more...

Virtual reality moves on the enterprise zone
No longer the domain of game players alone, virtual reality is moving on the enterprise… read more...

No shortage of ideas, but skills drag
Tech23, showcasing Australia’s leading innovations, had a skills skew this year… read more...

NAB outage spills into second week
After fixing one problem last week, NAB yesterday had another to deal with… read more...

City of churches turns speed freak
Adelaide is pitching to be Australia’s fastest metropolis…

Microsoft spruiks trusted cloud conversation
Secure, sustainable and inclusive ‘cloud for good’…

Data collections face fresh scrutiny
New industry association formed to provide data-use advice…

Australian IT ranks thin again
Services company ASG likely to go to Japanese buyer… read more...

NetSuite punts product but no mention of the war
Old picture of Larry Ellison only evidence of Oracle at NetSuite user conference.. read more...

Mobile transformation piques enterprise Apple appetite
i-Devices products driving deeper into business (and space) use… read more...

IBM cops flak in Census blame game
‘Cheap old ute’ metaphor explains IT disaster…

Privacy commissioner scores IoT an F for failure
Internet of Things products and services don’t do privacy well… read more...

CFOs push ahead with shadow IT spending
The CFO’s role as an investor in shadow IT is expanding as the finance function transforms… read more...

Feds consider move to Drupal 8
Website content management faces fresh Government scrutiny…

Stock Exchange hardware crash shorts market
The Australian Stock Exchange has endured a late start, a wobbly middle and an early close… read more...

Cloud fuels ANZ digital disruption
Demand for cloud services growing at a fast clip with 1 million companies now on Amazon… read more...

Australian cloud users may be aiming too low
Research showing high levels of satisfaction may mask deeper problem… read more...

CIA offers information security plan to Australian CIOs
Fully outfoxing attackers depends on ‘radical action’…

Commbank and Barclays allow global smartphone transfers
Australian and British bank gear up to make money movements easier… read more...

Gartner says CIOs need all-round vision
Broader view required as digital drives through the enterprise… read more...